Server Rules

General Rules

  • Owners/Managers reserve the right to remove any players/teams that negatively impact the health of the server.
  • Be respectful to staff
  • No Spamming, Tagging or DM’ing Staff – Do not spam, tag or DM staff unless specifically asked, including in tickets.
  • No Hackusations – Do not accuse others of cheating in general or server chats. Report suspected cheaters through a ticket.
  • No Advertising – Advertising other servers in-game or on Discord is prohibited.
  • Impersonating Admins – Impersonation of admins is strictly prohibited
  •  Combat Logging – Logging out within 10 minutes after the last contact whilst in combat is not allowed. A player is in combat the moment they hit a player or get shot at (situational).
    If you unintentionally disconnect, it’s your responsibility to rejoin the server ASAP and inform admins in a ticket. Failure to do so is considered combat logging.
  •  No Meta in Game – Calling out precise player positions, base locations, or any ongoing PVP will result in a mute.
    Calling your own base whilst getting raided to attract counters is also considered meta.
  •  Logging Near Keycard Rooms – Logging out within 300m of a keycard room is not allowed. If stuck during a restart, make a ticket to be teleported.
  •  Camping Restrictions – Players may not camp airdrop/events/keycard rooms or military locations from their base.
  •  No Third-Party Software – Any third-party software is prohibited on this server and will result in a ban. Crosshair, ReShade and Nvidia Filters are allowed.
  •  Bug Exploitation – Exploiting bugs for personal advantage (e.g., glitching, vortexing, rendering, ice-sliding, moonwalking) is strictly prohibited.
  •  Spamming – Spamming in voice or text chat (including megaphones or loud music) will result in a mute.
  •  No Helicopter UAVs – Helicopters may not be used as UAV tools in PvP. Flying or hovering over a fight/raid/airdrop to call out enemy locations is prohibited.
  •  Vehicle Limitations – You are allowed 1 secure helicopter and 2 secure vehicles in your base. All other vehicles must be parked outside or on the roof of your base, but accessible by foot.
  •  Loot Cycling – Loot cycling is not allowed.
  •  Ignorance of Rules – Not knowing the rules is not a defense for breaking them.
  •  Player Name Requirement – New players must change their name from “Survivor” to something else.
  •  Support – Support is handled through Discord tickets only. Use the #make-a-ticket channel.
  •  Bug Reports – If you encounter a bug, please report it in the bug report channel.
  •  Language Policy – English only in Global in-game chat and all Discord channels (except #LFG).
  •  Cheating Reports – Suspected cheaters should be dealt with in tickets. Do not call out hackers in-game or in any Discord chat.
  •  Inappropriate Names – Names deemed inappropriate by admins are prohibited.
  •  Max Group Size – Max group size is 6 players.
  •  No Team Swapping During Raids – Swapping team members during a raid is not allowed for either defenders or attackers.
  •  No Group Hopping – You must stay in your assigned group attached to your flagpole/territory. Address issues through a ticket.
  •  Trading with Other Groups – Trading is allowed but done at your own risk.
  •  No Teaming – Teaming with players outside your own group is prohibited.

Base Building Rules

  • No Building in Restricted Areas – Building in hospitals, fire stations, police stations, or military zones is not allowed.
  • Base Placement Restrictions – Bases cannot block roads and must be at least 300m away from keycard rooms.
  • Accessibility Requirement – All rooms, including roofs, must be accessible by foot.
  • Flag Limit – Each group is allowed a maximum of 2 territory flags, and they must be at least 2 km apart.
  • Door Limit – Groups are allowed up to 15 doors total between their two bases. You can use a window as a bypass but it will count towards your 15 door limit. Hangar doors are not raidable and cannot be used as doors in your raid path.
  • Barbed Wire Usage – Forcing raiders through barbed wire is not allowed.
  • Peak Rules – Building toe-peeks, waist-peeks, and one-way peeks is prohibited. All peeks must be unobstructed BBP windows.
  • Building During Raids – No building during raids is allowed until 30 minutes after the last C4 explosion. Logging out during this time is considered combat logging.
  • No Animation Abuse – Forcing a player into prone, crouch, or any other animation during a raid or defense is prohibited.
  • Walkway Requirements – Walkways must accommodate two players side-by-side. No narrow passageways.
  • Blocking Entry Points – Blocking access to base doors with immovable objects or vehicles is prohibited. Blocking tents, sheds, storage, or vaults with doors is also forbidden.
  • Door/Gate Separation – Doors and gates must be separated by at least half a wall length. No stacking doors or gates directly in front of each other.
  • Raid Path Requirement – A direct raid path must be maintained throughout your base.
  • BBP Roof Usage – BBP roofs cannot be used as walls.

Trader Rules

  • Do not steal/scam/grief any items or vehicles from players in safe zone (record your safezone interactions)
  • Do not troll players in safe zone (e.g. blocking doors, hot-mic’ing, using megaphones, etc)
  • Vehicles cannot be stored in Safe Zone and will be deleted by staff after 4 hours.
  • Do not escape to a Safezone to avoid PvP, must be 10 minutes from last time taking damage. This will be considered the same as combat logging and will follow the same consequenses.
  • Leave the Safezone at your own risk. 

Raiding Rules

  • Raid Recording – Raiders must record all raids, including soft-side raids.
  • C4 Raiding – Raiding with C4 is allowed on weekends only.
  • Eco Raiding – Eco raiding (jumping into bases, soft-siding, dismantling poorly built bases) is allowed 24/7. Hard glitching is prohibited.
  •  Boosting – Boosting is allowed, and players can boost using as many other players as they like. However, when using objects, only one object and one vehicle can be combined for a boost (e.g., placing a barrel on a car roof). All boosting must start from a stable, horizontal surface (like the ground, a floor, or the roof of a parked vehicle). Standing on a hovering helicopter is prohibited.
  •  Direct Vision for C4 – You must have direct vision of the door to plant or remove C4.
  •  Griefing Prohibited – Dismantling walls or lowering flags to get materials is considered griefing and is not allowed.
  •  Logging Out During Raids – Logging out while being raided is prohibited. Defenders must wait 30 minutes after the last C4 explosion or door dismantling before logging out.
  •  Garden Plots – Garden plots may only be used for growing plants, not for raiding or defending bases.
  •  Popcorning Loot – Dumping loot from storage onto the floor (popcorning) is forbidden. Loot must be moved to other storage or taken.
  •  Codelocking Bases – Adding a codelock to another team’s base or territory is prohibited.
  •  Helicopters and Raiding – Helicopters can not be used to raid bases. This means no usage of C4 standing in or on the Helicopter. You are not allowed to crawl or jump into windows standing/using your heli. You are allowed to land on the roof.
  •  Base Takeover – Before taking over a base, you must make a ticket.
  •  Destroying Loot – Intentionally destroying your own loot during a raid is prohibited.
  •  Grenade Holes – Grenade holes may only be used for grenades, not for shooting through.

Compensation Policy

  • First and Foremost Drive, Fly and Boat at your own risk!
  • We Recommend Using OBS, Medal.TV or NVIDIA Playback. We require proof in the video comp submission to compensate any lost items.

* Breaking rules may result in mute, kick, temp-ban, and or permanent ban. *