PvE Server Rules

  • Owners/Managers reserve the right to remove any players/teams that negatively impact the health and playability of the server.
  • Breaking any rules of the server will result in punishments at the discretion of the server owner and admins.
  • No advertising other servers, this means in game, direct messages, or any other form of communication
  • Duping, Hacking, Cheating, Racism, hate-speech and impersonating staff are all permanently bannable.
  • No damaging players vehicles if they aren’t in the same zone as you.
  • Ruining a players vehicle during raid weekend is allowed, when it’s not raid weekend it is not allowed. Unless it’s a PvP Area.
  • Ruining a players vehicle in their base is not allowed, example you can see a helicopter in a players base through a crack, windows, etc. Unless its raid weekend, any other time is not allowed.
  • #make-a-ticket if you identify a cheater, calling them out in chat makes it harder for staff.
  • Clips may be requested as evidence for any reports requesting admin intervention.
  • Losing stuff due to a server crash will not be refunded without evidence and meet compensation requirements.
  • Be respectful to staff
  • English is required in global chat.
  • Do not camp freshie spawns.
  • Do not loot-cycle zones (i.e. moving loot to force respawns)
  • Do not call out base locations in side chat, calling out own base doesn’t count.
  • Do not stream snipe players
  • No alt accounts.
  • If a player dies in PvE or PvP and keys are taken off the killed player. The looting player can take vehicle and contents of it.
  • You can steal a vehicle at anytime and any area if it is not locked. Only location you can never steal no matter what is safezone traders.
  • No Combat Logging (logging off within 10 minutes of giving or receiving damage to or from a player.)
  • Freshie killing/intercepting, restocking base support, and air transport, etc. are all considered participating in a PvP event, regardless of group composition. This includes raiding
  • Group may own 3 helicopters 2 cars. Team in possession of more than the allowed limit for greater than 24 hours will have their vehicle deleted without warning
  • Vanilla building is disabled, we use base-building-plus.
  • 1 base territories (i.e. flags) per 1 group.
  • You can only have a second pole to move base locations, second pole can be up for a maximum of 24 hours!
  • After three days of your flag not being raised your base will despawn.
  • Do not build more than 20 doors/gates/hatches per base w/ codes locks.
  • There must be at least a half wall distance between your doors, no placing them on top of each other.
  • Code locked tents blocking a way further into the base count towards the door limit.
  • Bases must be supported to the ground, and must not be floating.
  • Maximum 1 floor sticking out of the construction.
  • You are allowed to block off an entrance with items/tents if you have multiple entrances.
  • Bases must be raidable at all times even when it’s not Raid Weekend.
  • You not allowed to use barb wire, anywhere in base around base, etc. No barb wire is to be used at all.
  • Bases must not require raiders to crouch, crawl, or use animations (i.e. climbing ladders, jumping).
  • Do not stack tents (smaller tents inside larger tents).
  • Do not build on or over roads or railroad tracks.
  • Do not build around water wells / cement mixers.
  • Do not build in Police buildings.
  • Do not build at dune ship wreck.
  • Do not build within 500 meters of any military camp/compound.
  • Do not build within 1000m of any trader.
  • Do not build within 750 of allies or within 300 meters of enemy groups.
  • Do not block or cover bridges
  • Bases found breaking the rules will be claimed by admins and teams will be given 24 hours to correct any issues or the base will be deleted.
  • Do not steal/scam/grief any items or vehicles from players in safe zone (record your safezone interactions)
  • Do not troll players in safe zone (e.g. blocking doors, hot-micing, using megaphones, etc)
  • Vehicles stored in Safe Zone may be deleted at any time by staff after 4 hours
  • Different traders may have different inventory; prices can be searched for in #trader-prices
  • No landmines near Safe Zones
  • Do not escape to a safezone to avoid PvP, must be 10 minutes from last time taking damage. (combat that began outside the 750m radius, provide clip)
  • Do not follow players from safezone traders to kill them (clip required)

!! We ask that all raid are recorded !!

  • Raiding is considered a PvP event (see General rules).
  • Raiding an inaccessible base can only be done with C4 or Raidsaws.
  • Softside raiding is not allowed.
  • Doors/Gates/Hatches are the only things that are destructible with C4.
  • Raids can last up to 24 hours.
  • You are NOT allowed to log off with gear during a raid. You either have to log with your gear set your wearing or stay and defend.
  • Base rebuilding is prohibited 45from the last C4 explosion.
  • Unprotected flags outside can’t be destroyed, don’t even try.
  • A group/clan can only attempt one raid on a group once per weekend, if the attempt is failed (either all left a 1000 meter raidus/logged out/died and the base is rebuilt) then no more raids from the raiding clan can be performed on the same base.
  • Defending group must wait 45 minutes from rebuilding after any given C4 has gone off.
  • During raid time you can destroy helis/vehicles sitting in a players base. ONLY during raid weekend.
  • In raiding events only one clan can raid another at a time, only one defending team and one opposing team.
  • You are not allowed to lower, take off flag, destroy flagpole .
  • Do not take over a base.
  • All raids must be recorded!
  • If a player dies in PvE or PvP and keys are taken off the killed player. The looting player can take vehicle and contents of it.
  • You can steal any vehicle or destroy them on raid weekend. Any location is legal except trader safezones.
  • You can steal a vehicle at anytime and any area if it is not locked. Only location you can never steal no matter what is safezone traders.
  • No boosting at all, you have to raid old fashion way. On the ground with c4 in your hand.
  • If a base is left open and you can drive or fly in that is legal. It’s up to the base owners to close off base access.
  • You are not allowed to use in-game bugs or glitches to raid bases. You can not use ladders and jump animation to glitch through walls, punch windows to open them etc.
  • You are not allowed to log out inside any players base without their permission to do so.
  • #make-a-ticket if you need assistance during a raid; admins will prioritize enabling a raid to continue over punishing players if a rule is found to be broken.

Non Raiding Time

  • When raid weekend isn’t active –
  • No destroying vehicles in a players base
  • You still can camp a players base
  • If you can get into a base because a window is left open, door unlocked that is not considered raiding. You can go in although can not use hatchet, boom, lock pick, car lock pick, etc.

We Recommend Using Medal to clip or record any parts of a game. This way you have evidence to a claim.

If the compensation evidence is not adequate or the evidence has been edited or altered from original state the request will be denied.

Vehicle Compensation Policy Approved

  • Vehicle Stolen From Safe-Zone
  • Vehicle Destroyed illegally by another player
  • Vehicle Doors or Inventory Is Bugged/Inaccessible
  • Vehicle Lost Due To Cheater


  • Lost Vehicle on Restart/Crash
  • Flipped Vehicle
  • Lost Key
  • Vehicle Stuck
  • Parked on Uneven Terrain
  • Parked in Pre-Built Buildings
  • Vehicle Stolen or Raided Legitimately
  • Destroyed Engines
  • Water Damage
  • Despawn
  • Flying Underground
  • Vehicle Left In Trader
  • Vehicle Left Uncovered

Item Compensation Policy Approved

  • Items Stolen From Safe-Zone
  • Did Not Get Item From Trader When Purchased
  • Killed By Cheater
  • Killed Within 750 meters of Safe-Zone


  • Lost Items on Restart/Crash
  • Lost Items on A Legitimate Raid
  • Lost Items Dying In combat – PvP or PvE
  • Items Falling In Walls or In Floors
  • Despawn
  • Bodies Falling In Walls or In Floors 


  • 1st Offense: Perm Ban

Hacking/Modding Association

  • 1st Offense: Perm Ban

Safezone Zone Strafing

  • 1st Offense: 24 Hour Ban
  • 2nd Offense: 7 Day Ban
  • 3rd Offense: Perm Ban

Safezone Stealing/Scamming

  • 1st Offense: 48 Hour Ban
  • 2nd Offense: 7 Day Ban
  • 3rd Offense: Perm Ban

Combat or Killing in Safe Zone

  • 1st Offense: 1 Week Ban
  • 2nd Offense: 2 Week Ban
  • 3rd Offense: Perm Ban


  • 1st Offense: 24 Hour Ban
  • 2nd Offense: 7 Days Ban
  • 3rd Offense: Perm Ban

Server Advertising

  • 1st Offense: Perm Ban


  • 1st Offense: 24 Hour Ban
  • 2nd Offense: 1 Week Ban
  • 3rd Offense: 2 Week Ban
  • 4th Offense: Perm Ban

Racism/Homophobic slurs/Hate speech

  • 1st Offense: 2 Week Ban
  • 2nd Offense: Perm Ban

Stream Sniping

  • 1st Offense: 1 Week Ban
  • 2nd Offense: Perm Ban

Combat Logging

  • 1st Offense: 48 Hour Ban
  • 2nd Offense: 1 Week Ban
  • 3rd Offense: Perm Ban

Breaking Raiding Rules

  • 1st Offense: 2 Week Ban
  • 2nd Offense: Perm Ban

Removing Car Covers Off Vehicles to Intentionally Despawn If removed you must steal it or cover it back up.

  • 1st Offense: 1 Week Ban
  • 2nd Offense: 2 Week Ban
  • 3rd Offense: Perm Ban

Calling Cheaters out in Chat Make a ticket as it makes our job much harder!

  • 1st Offense: Warning
  • 2nd Offense: 24 Hour Ban
  • 3rd Offense: 3 day Ban
  • 4th Offense: 1 Week Ban
  • 5th Offense: Perm Ban

Last Updated 4/14/24

* Breaking rules may result in mute, kick, temp-ban, and or permanent ban. *